Author Archives: Yusuf

Is it worth switching to Linux?

For many years, like many other users, I used the Windows operating system and was satisfied with it. However, over time, gaming took a back seat (and there are significantly fewer games available for Linux), and I found myself needing a stable and…

Why are there so many Linux distros?

Currently, there are a huge number of active Linux distributions, many of which are at various stages of development. Several factors contribute to this diversity, and the question arises about the need for all these distributions. Unlike Windows and macOS operating systems, Linux…

What is low-level programming?

Low-level programming is a field of programming that deals with creating programs and managing a computer’s hardware resources at a lower level of abstraction. This means that in low-level programming, programmers have a more direct access to the hardware components of a computer…

Who shouldn’t be a freelancer

Freelancing is a popular form of self-employment that allows people to work on projects of their choice and manage their own schedules. However, freelancing is not suitable for everyone. In this article, we will discuss who should not consider freelancing as a way…

Systematic and creative approach in programming

When it comes to creating software and projects, developers often debate on the best way to work, especially in a team setting. There are two main approaches: the systematic approach and the creative approach. Systematic Approach The systematic approach involves breaking down large…

How to program without feeling guilty?

This article emerged after a dispute with a fellow programmer who claimed that I don’t adhere to modern standards because I don’t use GitHub. People tend to defend what they’re used to, believing that their methods are the best, and those who do…

What should the development team be like?

What should the team of programmers (and not just programmers, but other developers as well) be like – disciplined like in a factory or flexible with high personal motivation? This question has puzzled not only IT company owners but also scholarly minds for…