Author Archives: Yusuf

What is Windows on ARM?

Windows on ARM, often referred to as Windows ARM, is a version of the Microsoft Windows operating system designed to run on devices powered by ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) architecture. Unlike traditional Windows versions that primarily run on x86 and x64 processors, Windows…

Why Vim is so hard?

Vim is renowned for its challenging learning curve, often posing difficulties for beginners. Several factors contribute to this perception, making the transition from conventional text editors to Vim a unique experience. Modal Editing One prominent aspect is the concept of modal editing. Vim…

What is Metal Shading Language?

The Metal Shading Language (MSL) is a programming language developed by Apple for writing shaders that run on Apple’s Metal graphics API. Metal is a low-level graphics and compute API designed to provide high-performance access to the GPU on iOS, macOS, and other…

Why are console code editors so popular?

Console-based code editors, also known as terminal-based or command-line editors, have gained popularity for several reasons, and their appeal is rooted in a combination of efficiency, simplicity, and versatility. Here are some key factors contributing to the popularity of console-based code editors: Lightweight…

What is “unsafe code”?

“Unsafe code” in the context of programming typically refers to code that deviates from the safety features provided by the programming language and can potentially lead to undefined behavior, memory corruption, or other security vulnerabilities. This term is commonly associated with languages like…

What is the UB in programming?

Undefined Behavior (UB) in programming refers to the outcome of a program that is not specified by the programming language’s standard. When certain conditions defined by the language specification are violated, the behavior of the program becomes unpredictable, and it is said to…

Mesa: A Key Player in Linux Graphics

In the intricate ecosystem of Linux, where open-source solutions thrive, Mesa stands as a crucial element, influencing the graphical capabilities of the operating system. Referred to as the Mesa 3D Graphics Library, Mesa is an open-source software implementation of OpenGL, Vulkan, and various…

Is F# a programming language?

In the expansive realm of programming languages, F# emerges as a dynamic force, embodying the essence of functional programming. Crafted by Microsoft Research, F# stands out as a versatile and expressive language seamlessly integrating both functional and object-oriented paradigms. This article embarks on…

WGPU: Empowering the Next Generation of Graphics APIs

In the dynamic realm of graphics programming, the introduction of WGPU has sparked a wave of excitement and innovation. WGPU, short for Web Graphics Programming Interface, is an emerging graphics API (Application Programming Interface) designed to bring modern, performant graphics capabilities to the…

The Advantages of Skia Graphics Engine

In the dynamic world of software development, the choice of graphics engines plays a pivotal role in shaping user experiences. Skia, an open-source 2D graphics library, has emerged as a powerhouse, providing a rich set of features and advantages for developers. In this…

The main problems of Linux

Linux, an open-source operating system kernel, has become a cornerstone of the digital world, powering servers, embedded systems, and even personal computers. While Linux has garnered immense popularity and a robust community of users and developers, it is not immune to challenges. In…

Why React Native is bad choice for GUI development?

In the dynamic landscape of app development, the choice of a framework plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a project. While React Native has gained acclaim for its prowess in cross-platform development, there are nuances that render it less than…